The Arch Support Myth: Why Healthy Children Don’t Need It

The Arch Support Myth: Why Healthy Children Don’t Need It

In today’s society, there’s a prevailing belief that children need arch support in their shoes to promote healthy foot development. Every single day, I meet someone on social media that is horrified by the lack of “support” that barefoot shoes offer. Why? Yes, it is certainly a popular belief that humans need “supportive” shoes, but…

Are they Barefoot? How to Test Your Own Shoes

Are they Barefoot? How to Test Your Own Shoes

In the world of footwear, the term “barefoot” has gained significant attention. It’s not just about walking shoeless; it’s about finding shoes that allow your feet to move as naturally as possible. But how can you tell if a shoe truly fits the barefoot criteria? Whether you’re browsing online, shopping in-store, or rummaging through your…